Category 科学论文


Click on the medical terms below to view the articles dealing with the selected topic.

bladder , bocca , Direct vision internal urethrotomy , erectile dysfunction , fibrosis , glycosaminoglycans , HOLEP , male urethra , mouth mucosa , multivariable analysis , Omentoplasty , one-stage urethroplasty , Orandi's technique , Pelvic fracture urethral defects , Pelvic fracture urethral injury , Peyronie病 , skin flap , surgical technique , tissue-engineered , Tissue engineered , tissue engineering , TUIP , TURP , two-stage urethroplasty , ultrasonography , urethra , urethral regeneration , urethral stem cells , urethral stricture , urethroplasty , urinary incontinence , urologic surgical procedures , 会阴尿道造口术 , 其他 , 前尿道 , 口腔黏膜 , 后尿道 , 尿道切开术 , 尿道阴茎部 , 支架 , 球部尿道 , 硬化性苔藓 , 端端吻合 , 舌粘膜 , 首次手术失败的尿道下裂修复术
