Category 2003

Article 6

Bulbar urethroplasty using the dorsal approach: current techniques Int Braz J Urol 2003; 29: 155-161.   Introduction: The use of flaps or grafts is mandatory in patients with longer and complex strictures. In 1995-96 we described a new dorsal onlay graft urethroplasty. Over time, our original technique was better defined and changed. Now this procedure […]


Article 5

Penile and bulbar urethroplasty using dorsal onlay techniques Atlas Urol Clin 2003; 11: 29-41.   The surgical treatment of adult anterior urethral strictures has been a constantly evolving process. Recently, considerable changes have been introduced: the wider use of the buccal mucosa graft and the use of the dorsal onlay approach, also named the Barbagli […]


Article 4

One-stage circumferential buccal mucosa graft urethroplasty for bulbous stricture repair Urology 2003; 61: 452-455.   A one-stage onlay urethroplasty, using a buccal mucosa graft, is presented for patients with bulbous strictures in whom the urethral mucosa is seriously involved in the disease. Of 40 patients who underwent a dorsal buccal mucosa graft urethroplasty for bulbous […]


Article 3

Penile urethral reconstruction: concepts and concerns Arch Esp Urol 2003; 56: 549-556.   Reconstruction of the penile urethra is a challenging exercise, and for many surgeons an ungratifying experience. The past three decades have seen us move from predominantly 2-staged surgery, through foreskin grafts, and then single stage flap reconstructions, and now in the 3rd […]


Article 2

Anterior urethral strictures BJU Int 2003; 92: 497-505.   The surgical treatment of adult anterior urethral strictures has developed continuously. Recently considerable changes have been introduced, involving the cause of the urethral disease and surgical techniques. The criteria for selecting the reconstructive surgical technique are presented according to the cause and a new classification of […]


Article 1

Dorsal graft urethroplasty techniques Urologia. 2003 Sep-Oct;(5):16-20.
