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  • 成果展示

图 1

图 2

图 3

图 4


  • 腹侧口腔黏膜移植物尿道成形术。此术式中,移植物接合到尿道的腹侧(图1,2)。
  • 背侧口腔黏膜移植物尿道成形术。此术式中,移植物接合到尿道的背侧(图3,4)。
  • 侧向口腔黏膜移植物尿道成形术。此术式中,移植物接合到尿道的外侧。
  • 完全口腔黏膜移植物尿道成形术。此术式中,移植物完全代替狭窄的尿道。



论文 1
Barbagli G, Palminteri E, Lazzeri M, Guazzoni G.
One-stage circumferential buccal mucosa graft urethroplasty for bulbous stricture repair
Urology. 2003 Feb;61(2):452-5.

A one-stage onlay urethroplasty, using a buccal mucosa graft, is presented for patients with bulbous strictures in whom the urethral mucosa is seriously involved in the disease. Of 40 patients who underwent a dorsal buccal mucosa graft urethroplasty for bulbous urethral strictures, 5 required complete removal of the urethral mucosa and its replacement by a buccal mucosa graft. All these patients had undergone previous urethrotomy with a false passage inside the bulbous urethra and had a suprapubic tube in place. The goal of removal and replacement of the urethral mucosa in each case was to create a new, wide urethral mucosal bed to promote successful one-stage reconstruction. All patients voided spontaneously without problems after removal of the catheter. After 4 months, the mean peak flow was 21 mL/s. After 6 months, urethroscopy did not show any stricture recurrence. None of the patients required instrumentation or dilation. In patients with bulbous urethral strictures and false passage into the mucosa and spongiosum tissues, the complete removal and replacement of the urethral mucosa using a circumferential buccal mucosa graft promotes successful one-stage urethral reconstruction.

论文 2
Barbagli G., Guazzoni G., Lazzeri M.
One-Stage bulbar urethroplasty: Retrospective analisys of the results in 375 patients
Eur Urol 2008; 53:828-33

Objective: To review the outcome of bulbar urethroplasty using one-stage surgical techniques.
Methods: Of 375 patients, who underwent one-stage bulbar urethroplasties, 165 patients (44%) underwent anastomotic repair (AR), 40 (10.7%) underwent augmented anastomotic repair (AAR) using penile skin grafts (PSGs) or oral mucosal grafts (OMGs), and 170 (45.3%) underwent onlay grafting techniques (OGTs) using PSGs or OMGs. Clinical outcome was considered a failure when any postoperative instrumentation was needed. The chi(2) and Fisher’s exact test for categorical data were used. The sample size of 375 patients provides a statistical power (1-beta) of 99% at alpha=0.05; p<0.05 was set as significant.
Results: The average follow-up was 53 mo. Of 375 cases, 313 (83.5%) were successful and 62 (16.5%) failures. Of 165 ARs, 150 (90.9%) were successful and 15 (9.1%) failures. Of 40 AARs, 24 (60%) were successful and 16 (40%) failures. Of 170 OGTs, 139 (81.8%) were successful and 31 (18.2%) failures. The AR showed statistically significant higher success rate compared to OGT (p=0.023) and AAR (p=0.0001). Of 47 PSGs, 28 (59.6%) were successful and 19 (40.4%) failures. Of 163 OMGs, 135 (82.8%) were successful and 28 (17.2%) failures. This difference was statistically significant (p=0.002).
Conclusions: One-stage bulbar urethroplasties showed an overall 83.5% success rate. The AR showed the higher success rate compared to the OGT or AAR. OMGs (82.8% success rate) perform statistically better than PSGs (59.6% success rate).
1. 问: 手术费是否可以由国家保健系统(意大利)全额负担?
答: 是的。

2. 问: 此项手术使用什么麻醉方式?
答: 经鼻的全身麻醉。

3. 问: 手术时间多长?
答: 约2小时。

4. 问: 手术后是否有勃起、生育问题或者尿失禁的风险?
答: 没有。

5. 问: 手术后住院时间是多长?
答: 一般来讲,5到7天

6. 问: 术后多长时间可以拔除尿管?
答: 至少保留至术后4周,待术后首次尿路造影结果正常后拔除。

7. 问: 恢复期有什么特别需要注意的问题么?
答: 在恢复期,抗生素的使用一般持续到尿管拔除以后。同时,长途坐车旅行,重体力劳动、性生活以及运动是暂时需要避免的。

8. 问:: 术后什么时候可以恢复工作、性生活以及运动?
答: 在拔除尿管的一个月后,根据情况逐步恢复即可。

9. 问: 手术以后是否可以立即骑自行车或摩托车?
答: 不建议术后立即进行骑车、骑马等运动。

10. 问:: 术后饮食需要注意些什么?
答: 避免啤酒以及烈性酒精饮品,巧克力,可可,坚果和贝类不要多吃。