Born in Empoli (FI – I) on August 2nd, 1964
Living in Firenze (Florence), 76, Via dell’Erta Canina, 50125
Profession: Doctor of Medicine, Specialist of Urology
Education and qualifications:
1982: Membership of the Freelance Journalist Association in Florence.
1983: “Maturità scientifica” (General Certificate of Education on Scientific Subjects) at “Liceo Scientifico Pontormo” in Empoli, marks 60/60.
1989: Degree in Medicine at the University of Siena, marks 110/110 summa cum laude.
1986 to 1989: Internship at the Operating Unit of Urology of “Santa Maria della Scala” Hospital (Siena), director prof. A. Acconcia.
1990: 103rd course for Reserve Officers in the Medical Corps of the Army, with subsequent appointment as Junior Lieutenant in the 6th Battalione of the Carabinieri.
1994: Specialization in Urology at the University of Florence, marks 70/70 summa cum laude.
1994: Appointment as a Consultant of the scientific magazine The Journal of Urology.
- Membership of the Italian Association of Urology
- Membership of the Italian Association of Urodynamics and Secretary of “Basic science” section of the Society
- Membership of the American Urological Association.
- Member of International Continence Society
- Member of European Urological Associstion
1992 to 2005: I have been following closely the teaching and research activity of prof. D. Turini at the University of Ferrara, Chair of Urology.
1986 to 2005: Uninterrupted surgical activity at “Santa Maria della Scala” Hospital, Operating Unit of Urology, and “Casa di Cura Santa Chiara” (Florence), Urology Department.
Since 1992: Responsible for the Urodynamics Service at “Casa di Cura Santa Chiara”
Since July 1994: Responsible for the Extracrporeal shock wave Litotrixia Centre at “Casa di Cura Santa Chiara”
Since 1995: Development of the technique of use of LASER energy in urological endoscopy.
Since 2002: Associated professor at University “Vita e Salute” San Raffaele Milano.
Consultant of: J. Urology, Urology, Urologia Internationalis, European Urology, Urological Research, Expert opinion on Emerging Drugs.
Member of Editorial Board of European Urology and Urologia internationalis.
Consultant for grant application at St. Peter’s Trust for Kidney, Blader and Prostate Researc Institute – London
Work and Research
Basic research and clinical investigation are the prevailing feature of my scientific activity since 1991. Particular attention has been devoted to the investigation of urinary incontinence through a multidisciplinary approach. The quality of the research is witnessed by the international specialised Journals which published many of those works.
Consultant for grant application at St. Peter’s Trust for Kidney, Blader and Prostate Researc.