Categoria 2005

Articolo 2

Editorial comment on interim outcomes of dorsal skin graft bulbar urethroplasty J Urol 2005; 174: 397-398.   In his Editorial Comment, Dr. Mundy tries to address some of the main issues about the reconstructive urethral surgery which need further researches and controlled studies. Mundy’s concerns confirm his wide experience in this field of pathology and […]


Articolo 1

Bulbar urethroplasty using buccal mucosa grafts placed on the ventral, dorsal or lateral surface of the urethra: are results affected by the surgical technique? J Urol 2005; 174: :955-958.   Purpose: The use of buccal mucosa graft onlay urethroplasty represents the most widespread method of bulbar urethral stricture repair. The graft may be placed on […]
