Penile and bulbar urethroplasty using dorsal onlay techniques

Atlas Urol Clin 2003; 11: 29-41.

The surgical treatment of adult anterior urethral strictures has been a constantly evolving process. Recently, considerable changes have been introduced: the wider use of the buccal mucosa graft and the use of the dorsal onlay approach, also named the Barbagli procedure. Moreover, in penile urethra, the dorsal placement of the graft is now combined by the incision of the urethral plate, as suggested by Snodgrass for childhood hypospadias surgery and its augmentation, as suggested by Bracka, Asopa and Hayes.
Three different techniques are presented:
Penile one-stage urethroplasty with urethral plate incision and augmentation using a dorsal buccal mucosa graft;
Bulbar one-stage urethroplasty with urethral plate augmentation using a dorsal buccal mucosa graft;
Bulbar one-stage urethroplasty with urethral place replacement using a dorsal buccal mucosa graft.