Penile disassembly: anatomical surgical steps
BJU Int 2013; 112: 1035–1045
Introduction: Initially described by Perovic et al. [1]. for the correction of complex penile deformities as a consequence of Peyronie’s disease, this technique is applicable also for penile reconstruction in patients with hypospadias, chordee, epispadias, venous impotence, dysmorphophobia and penile carcinoma. The present paper concentrates on the application of the technique for the correction of complex penile deformities in patients affected by Peyronie’s disease.
Planning and Preparation — Patient Selection: Penile disassembly is indicated in patients with severe penile deviation under the glans penis or with a large plaque in the distal third of the shaft causing curvature of >60°, severe indentation or shortening. A disease stable for at least 6 months is prerequisite for surgery and patients with a degree of erectile dysfunction are encouraged not to choose this technique, as postoperative worsening of erectile function is not uncommon when the corpora cavernosa are incised and grafted.
Recommended Equipment:
- Scott retractor in case of additional penoscrotal approach
- Plastic set
- Light titanium needle holder
- Polyglactin 910 (Vicryl™) 4/0 to repair perineal and circumferential subcoronal incision