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For more information please contact:

Main Office
SAPRA Centro Sanitario,
via Molinara 33,
Arezzo — Italy

Prof. Guido Barbagli,
carries out its outpatient activity in the following Italian cities: Arezzo and Milano
Secretary Office is open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m to 6 p.m.
Telephone: +39 0575 323768 — +39 0575 323769

For more information please contact info@urethralcenter.it

Diagnostic activities

Diagnostic activities of the Center are performed on these structures:

SA.PR.A Centro Sanitario
via Molinara 33
Studi DUAM
Via Fontana, 2

Surgical activities

Surgical activities of the Center are performed in the following Hospitals:

Centro Chirurgico Toscano
Via dei Lecci, 22
Ospedale Università San Raffaele
Via Olgettina, 60
Clinica Sanatrix
Via di Trasone, 61